What Matters?:

Spiritual Conversation Cards

What Matters in Life? What Matters to You? What Matters to God? This is a conversation worth having! Jesus Christ said some of the most revolutionary, counter-cultural things ever spoken. These teachings are captured in eight themed Conversation Cards that open an honest dialogue on What Matters most in life and What Matters to God.

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Increasingly, people feel and fear that God is distant or irrelevant. Even if they believe He exits, God is often seen as a generic Being who is disconnected from their lives and the world. But Jesus Christ gave us a different picture: God is intimately engaged with people and His creation. He is a God who cares!

What Matters? is a set of cards designed to start personal and meaningful conversations about topics that matter to people and most importantly to God.  The cards makes it easier and enjoyable for you to go deeper with another person and form a heart connection as you share with one another.

Card Topics


  • Grace Over Karma
  • Humility Over Promotion
  • Love That Sacrifices
  • Heart Over Appearance
  • Peace Over Harmony
  • Strength In Suffering
  • Weak Over Strong
  • Longing for Justice

Ministry Use

What Matters? Conversation Cards, like Soularium and Perspective cards, is a resource for initiating spiritual, Gospel-rich conversations on issues that engage the heart.


What Matters? Conversation Cards, are the product of pioneering work done in missional outreach, where the cards have been tested and refined through multiple iterations and proven to be effective.

product of missional outreach


  • product-type:

  • Color:


  • Dimensions:

    5.8" x 4.1"

  • ISBN:



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