Perfect for outreach and evangelism!

The film JESUS DVD – see and hear Jesus in 24 Languages. Experience the most viewed and translated film in history, as seen over five billion times!

Amaray cased, 24 language, 83 minute JESUS DVD

JESUS Film DVD – 24 Languages – (BOX OF 100)

Perfect for outreach and mass evangelism!

The JESUSDVD – see and hear Jesus in 24 Languages. Experience the most viewed and translated film in history, as seen over five billion times!

This film portrays 3½ years of Jesus’ ministry as told in the Gospel of Luke.

MAGDALENA: Through Her Eyes

Mary Magdalene acts as both narrator and participant in Magdalena: Through Her Eyes, as she traces through the story of lives that have come into contact with this man, Jesus, and have been powerfully released from shame.

Amaray cased