Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery Of The Spirit-Filled Life? (English)

Why is it that most Christians are not experiencing the abundant life Christ promised? Discover the Spirit-Filled life in this classic booklet! It also helps you explain to others how to live a life controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

25 booklets per pack (discounts based on number of packs)


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Pack of 25 Booklets in English

Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?  Every day can be an exciting adventure for the Christian who knows the reality of the being filled with the Holy Spirit and who lives constantly, moment by moment, under His gracious direction!

But most Christians are not experiencing the abundant life Christ promised! They are living defeated lives. Every Christian needs to understand the the reality of the Spirit-Filled life presented in this booklet.

This booklet will help you explain to others how to live a life controlled and empowered by God the Holy Spirit and how to live in dependence on Him moment-by-moment.

Millions of Christians have learned to live the abundant life, which Christ promised, by following the simple truths found in this booklet!

I would rather share this booklet with a Christian than the Four Spiritual Laws with a non-Christian. In this manner, the believer would hopefully begin to share their faith and teach others the concept of walking in the Spirit, creating spiritual multiplication.

  – Bill Bright


Booklet in English
16 pages
ISBN 978-1-56399-020-5
CruPress tracts


About the author

Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International/Cru

Dr. Bill Bright, along with his wife Vonette, founded Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951. Bill and Vonette were passionate about helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ in their generation. Hundreds of thousands of staff around the world joined with them in this cause for Christ.

Dr. Bright developed and wrote The Four Spiritual Laws in order to offer Campus Crusade staff members a clear, straight forward, and biblically sound presentation of the Gospel that they could memorize and communicate with ease. Over three billion copies of it, and its subsequent contextual variations, have been distributed around the globe and in all the world’s major languages. The decision to begin the message with the great love of God, rather than man’s sin, was revolutionary at the time and has since shaped the way the Gospel message has been proclaimed ever since.



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Rick Myerscough
Verified ownerVerified owner

This message of the Spirit filled life has always been one of my favorites... Too me... it is a message that answers questions of why someone may not be experiencing the life that Father has for us... and it explains in a simple way how to keep a clear conscience with Father as we walk this earth.

4 days ago
Steven Sorensen
Verified ownerVerified owner
1 week ago
Rob M.
Verified ownerVerified owner

Love this tool. I led a group of 100 Christian professionals through the spiritual breathing exercise.

3 weeks ago