THE FOUR Booklet:

Companion Booklet (Pack of 10)

THE FOUR is more than a name. With these four simple icons, you can clearly and memorably share the gospel message. This foldout booklet makes a great companion to THE FOUR bracelets, offering wearers a quick, easy way to explain the message to those who ask.

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THE FOUR is more than a name. The idea to communicate the gospel using four simple icons originated in Europe, and is a development of The Four Spiritual Laws, which were published in 1965 by the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, Bill Bright.

The foldout booklet is a compact, clear gospel message that corresponds with the icons on THE FOUR bracelet.

Foldout booklets come in packs of ten. tracts


The wristbands appeal to people of all ages and backgrounds. I frequently give wristbands to people as a way of opening their hearts to hear about the gospel.

There is a verse in Proverbs which says, A man's gift makes room for him, (Prov 18:16), and when people are offered a wristband as a gift, their hearts are often warmed to hear the meaning of the symbols, and they are happy to take a tract explaining the 4 points. Very often people will put a wristband on as soon as I have given it to them.

The tract means that I can leave a fuller explanation with the person for them to read in their own time, and the prayer on the tract gives them an opportunity to respond in prayer to God. 

Mike Farrington


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