The Gospel of Mark

Full Color, Glossy Interior, NIV text of Mark, Full-Color Graphic Design, Study Notes, Apologetic Articles, Backstory Gospel Presentation.

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This tool starts with a portion of Scripture-the Gospel of Mark-and focuses solely on the life of Christ. Alongside the text are insightful notes so the reader fully grasp the meaning of the text. Inserted throughout are full-color spreads, carrying classic apologetic content, such as: evidence for the resurrection; the Lord, Liar, or Lunatic argument; and Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Finally, the resource concludes with a clear Gospel presentation following the Backstory format.

  • Give it away to friends
  • Give it to new people at your weekly meeting
  • Distribute it in a dorm
  • Leave it behind after sharing the Gospel
  • Include it in follow-up to a gospel conversation
  • Go through it as a Bible study


The Gospel According to Mark is truly an all-purpose resource.

About the author

Rick James

Rick James ends up thinking a lot about evangelism, about how to present Jesus responsibly to college students. In his former role as a speaker for Campus Crusade and publisher of CruPress, Rick is constantly looking for, collecting and creating literature that communicates the Gospel in a truly relevant way. Rick's two degrees, theology and advertising, have convinced him that good communication is nearly as important as good theology. Rick joins his concern for biblical substance with a care for style, humor, and metaphor.


  • product-type:

  • ISBN:


  • Pages:

    80 Pages

  • Binding:


  • Dimensions:

    10" x 8"

  • Resource Type:

    Gospel Presentation

  • Color:

    Full Color


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