Such a Task:

Staying the Course in Your Calling as a “Sent One”

Such a Task is for those who have been sent. It is a book for goers—men and women who have received God’s call on their lives to be messengers. Sent ones come in many shapes and sizes: missionaries and evangelists, church planters and campus ministers. What they all have in common is that they intentionally cross some cultural, political, or social boundary to proclaim the gospel of Christ.

But why does the journey and calling feel so hard?

And how do you last in it?

In Such a Task, Alan Goddard walks through Paul’s reflections on his own calling in 2nd Corinthians to encourage and equip those sent out in apostolic, “go and tell” ministry.

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In the face of cultural divides, geographic distance, and the ever-present challenges of serving, missionaries and vocational ministers need a strong foundation to sustain their call. Veteran missionary leader Alan Goddard offers a beacon of hope and guidance in his new book, “Such a Task: Staying the Course in Your Calling as a ‘Sent One.’”

Goddard, with over three decades of experience on the front lines of missions, has witnessed firsthand the toll that ministry can take. “Such a Task” is not simply a roadmap for navigating the complexities of cross-cultural ministry; it’s a wellspring of encouragement, drawing upon scripture and Goddard’s wealth of experience to equip readers with the tools they need to persevere and find long-term fulfillment in their callings.

When reading “Such A Task” you will:

  •  Discover biblical foundations for understanding the call to missions and church planting.
  •  Learn characteristics of apostolic ministry for greater effectiveness.
  •  Find practical insights for navigating challenges and maintaining long-term commitment.
  •  Have a valuable tool for individual study, team discussions, and leadership development.


“There are few things more heartbreaking than witnessing fellow laborers gradually lose steam,” says Goddard. “I watch as the initial zeal fades, replaced by a sense of hardship and questioning their purpose. Devotional life wanes, and vision starts to erode. Soon the dooming thought lodges, ‘Maybe God didn’t really call me to this.’”

Such a Task” is a response to this reality. By examining the characteristics of apostolic ministry taught by Paul in 2 Corinthians, the book equips readers with a deeper understanding of their call and the power to find lasting joy and effectiveness in their ministry. With humor, poignant stories, and solid Biblical teaching, Goddard encourages “goers” and “senders” alike.

About the Author

Alan Goddard (M.A.B.S., Reformed Theological Seminary, B.E.E., Ga Tech) has served with Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru for more than 35 years in campus ministry both in the US and internationally. He lived for 15 years in East Asia, serving as a local team leader and regional director, and has over 20 years of experience in coaching and training overseas missionaries.


If you have said, or heard others say, with well-meaning intent, “all Christians are missionaries,” then you’ll appreciate the biblical perspective and “little-a” apostle’s heart that Alan Goddard brings to this conversation. Goddard brings humor and relational prophetic edge that flows from a lifetime of experience on the gospel frontier. Such A Task is a helpful, readable book that I pray will stimulate fresh vision among a new generation of potential missionaries.

Dr. Ken Cochrum,

Executive Vice President of Field Ministries, East-West


This is a fantastic book for any “Sent One,” and is a work that comes right from the author’s soul. Alan Goddard is one of those unique humans that walks with God and devours the word in such a way that when he opens his mouth—or in this case takes the time to capture his thoughts—you don’t want to miss what comes next. This is “living truth.” In Such a Task, Alan is not just sharing information he has learned, but rather truth from God’s word that he has experienced and lived out in a profoundly deep and personal way. His humorous and light touch along with insightful personal stories and experiences make this a joy to read. I highly recommend you read it and send a copy to any “Sent Ones” in your life!”

Dan Higgins

Executive Director for International Missions,

US Campus Ministry, Cru


Moving. Encouraging. Challenging. Inspiring. Convicting. “Such a Task” is all of these things and more. Alan convincingly challenges us to embrace the life of an apostle while lacing our hearts with the sweet aroma of the gospel. His stories captivatingly capture the essence of an apostle’s life as they winsomely move us to joyfully choose the hardship of such a call. I was deeply blessed by this book and will be recommending it to my church, our partners, and beyond!

Jeff Norris

Senior Pastor

Perimeter Church

Johns Creek, GA

Product details

  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 166 pages
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5 x 0.38 x 8.5 inches


Cru Ministry Affiliation: Campus, XTrack


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Ryan Speicher
Verified ownerVerified owner

Fantastic book! Alan really writes in a way that I can understand and connect with as Cru staff. Each chapter, so very custom-tailored to my experience, has been a delight to read. His book encourages me to press on. Thank you!

8 months ago