JESUS DVD and JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes – 8 Languages – (BOX OF 100)

2 DVD’s in 1!

The JESUS DVD– see and hear Jesus in 8 Languages. Experience the most viewed film in history as seen over five billion times!

JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children who might have lived during the time Jesus walked the earth.

Original price was: $112.50.Current price is: $99.99.

SKU: AN-A1L-100


JESUS DVD and JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes

8 Languages – (BOX OF 100)

JESUS and JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes  Running Time: JESUS- 83 minutes. JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes- 61 minutes. DVD comes in a attractive lightweight cardboard sleeve.

JESUS portrays Jesus’ ministry as told in the Gospel of Luke from the Good News and King James translations of the Bible. Producer John Heyman created a film so true-to-life, you will feel like you are in first-century Palestine. Everything from clothing, to customs, to food of the country during that time period was studied to ensure authenticity. With a cast of more than 5,000 Israelis and Arabs, JESUS was filmed on location in Israel. The film concludes with an opportunity to trust Christ as Savior and Lord!  Available in 8 languages.

Film languages include: Arabic, English, French, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin, Spanish (Latin American), Tagalog and Vietnamese.  Subtitled in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children who might have lived during the time Jesus lived on the earth. Follow the lives of six children living in Jerusalem about A.D. 30. Hear the stories of the Man from Nazareth who heals the sick and raises the dead. They struggle to make sense of it all… some from families who believe Jesus is the Son of God, others from families who do not. They watch Jesus from the crowds. They follow Him to see what this incredible man, who loves children, will do next. They see Him betrayed, wrongly accused, crucified, and buried. But, they remember the promise of Jesus and believe they will see Him again.

Film languages include: Arabic, English, French, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin, Spanish (Latin American), Tagalog and Vietnamese.  Subtitled in English, French, and Spanish.

Version: A1L-100

Descripción General

¡2 DVDs en Uno!

Tiempo de duración: JESUS 94 minutos. JESUS: Through Children’s Eyes 67 minutos. El DVD viene en una atractiva y ligera carátula de cartón.

La película incluye los siguientes idiomas: árabe, inglés, francés, farsi, chino mandarín, español (latinoamericano), tagalo y vietnamita.

Jesus: Through Children’s Eyes(Jesús: A Través de los Ojos de los Niños) es la historia de Jesús vista a través de los ojos de unos niños que pudieron haber vivido durante el tiempo en que Jesús vivió en la tierra. Siga las vidas de seis niños que viven en Jerusalén alrededor del año 30 D.C. Escuche las historias del Hombre de Nazaret que sana a los enfermos y resucita a los muertos. Los niños luchan por entenderlo todo . . . algunos son de familias que creen que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, mientras otros son de familias que no lo creen. Ellos observan a Jesús desde las multitudes. Lo siguen a Él para ver qué hará este increíble hombre que ama a los niños. Lo ven traicionado, acusado injustamente, crucificado y enterrado. Pero recuerdan la promesa de Jesús y creen que lo verán de nuevo.

JESUS retrata los 3 años y medio del ministerio de Jesús tal como se cuenta en el Evangelio de Lucas. El productor John Heyman creó una película tan real como la vida, que usted se sentirá como si estuviera en la Palestina del primer siglo. Todo, desde la vestimenta hasta las costumbres y la comida del país durante esa época, se estudió para garantizar la autenticidad. Con un reparto de más de 5,000 israelíes y árabes, “JESUS” se filmó en Israel. Disponible en 24 idiomas.



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Stanley C.
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I ordered it a month ago and it still hasn't arrived.

6 months ago
John Hyde
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I cannot give you a rating because I have not received my order. Is it lost in shipping?

7 months ago