Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery Of The Spirit-Filled Life? (Spanish)

Why is it that most Christians are not experiencing the abundant life Christ promised? Discover the Spirit-filled life in this booklet! It also helps you explain to others how to live a life controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

25 booklets per pack (discounts based on number of packs)

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Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery Of The Spirit-Filled Life?(Spanish)

Pack of 25 Booklets in Spanish

Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?  Every day can be an exciting adventure for the Christian who knows the reality of the being filled with the Holy Spirit and who lives constantly, moment by moment, under His gracious direction!

But most Christians are not experiencing the abundant life Christ promised! They are living defeated lives. Every Christian needs to understand the the reality of the Spirit-Filled life presented in this booklet.

This booklet will help you explain to others how to live a life controlled and empowered by God the Holy Spirit and how to live in dependence on Him moment-by-moment.

Millions of Christians have learned to live the abundant life, which Christ promised, by following the simple truths found in this booklet!

Format: Booklet in Spanish
Page Count: 16 pages
ISBN: 9781563992544 tracts

sample content

¿Ha Hecho Usted el Maravilloso Descubrimiento de la Vida Llena del Espíritu Santo?
Paquete de 25 folletos en español

Todo cristiano necesita entender los principios presentados en este folleto.

Descubra la realidad de la vida llena del Espíritu. Este folleto le ayudará a explicar a los demás cómo llegar a tener una vida controlada y dinamizada por el Espíritu Santo y cómo vivir momento a momento bajo Su control.

Millones de personas han aprendido a vivir la vida abundante que Cristo promete al seguir las verdades sencillas contenidas en este folleto.


Format: Folleto en español
Page Count: 16 páginas
ISBN: 1563990202




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