Go (Ebook)

Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
Reflections on the Lordship of Christ, the Great Commission, and a life of adventure and eternal significance.

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Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth

Author: Dave Dishman

Ebook Reflections on the Lordship of Christ, the Great Commission, and a life of adventure and eternal significance.

Picture it. A handful of his followers, mostly uneducated, certainly not powerful or wealthy or well connected, sitting on a hill in a subjugated country at the edge of the Roman Empire. Jesus gives them an audacious goal, a great commission that will consume their lives. Jesus tells them to go and make disciples of all the nations. So what do they do? They go…

Dave Dishman, Cru staff for over thirty years, has written a small pocket book that, ironically, could be taken with you wherever you go—campus, coffee shop…Caracas. Dave takes our most central teachings, motivations, and convictions on Sending and fits them into a 70-page breviary that doesn’t feel rushed or cramped. The prose is quick and light, contrasting with concepts and challenges that are plenty weighty.

This is a perfect ministry tool for sending—someone could read it in an hour and never be the same or see the world the same. It’s Jesus’ Great Commission in a nutshell; it’s Cru in a nutshell.


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This Ebook is available in Kindle (.mobi) or Apple/Google (.epub) formats. After your purchase, your web and email receipts will allow you to download your choice. Once downloaded, forward the file to your Ebook reader account where you will then be able to see it in your book list. Thanks for your purchase of this valuable resource to help your growth in Christ!

ISBN –1-57334-099-5



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