Combat Trauma Healing Manual:

Christ-centered Solutions for Combat Trauma

This manual offers spiritual solutions for your struggles with PTSD. It combines the latest insights of the medical and counseling communities with the timeless principles of God’s Word.

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This manual offers spiritual solutions for your struggles with PTSD.

It combines the latest insights of the medical and counseling communities with the timeless principles of God’s Word.

In these pages you’ll find a step-by-step program that will help you:

  • Understand your trauma – spiritually, psychologically and physiologically.
  • Adopt therapeutic spiritual disciplines.
  • Process your loss and grief.
  • Experience the freeing influence of giving and receiving forgiveness.
  • Rebuild your identity based on what God says about you.
  • Strengthen yourself spiritually against future attacks.
  • Connect with those who will support you in many ways.
  • Rejoin society as a strengthened man or woman of God.


From the Introduction…

“The reality of war is that everyone gets wounded. Some wounds heal rapidly, but some last for a lifetime. The reality is that the wounds of a heart, soul and spirit have a spiritual component that is not being adequately addressed. Despite the valiant efforts of many organizations and the commitment of billions of dollars to address these issues, there remains a serious gap – the faith gap.”

– Major General (Retired) Robert F. Dees, U.S. Army, former Executive Director, Cru Military Ministry

From the Prologue… 

“My family and I thought leaving the Army would remove me from the dangers of war.  But upon leaving the Army, I entered a different kind of fight: the war for my own heart and mind. I went face-to-face with many memories, with the horrors and stresses of combat – and lost.”

Questions and doubts ravaged my mind: Why did I survive and my men die? Why did they send me there? Why does God allow such horrible wars to happen? Why can’t I feel anything? 

Ashamed of the man I had become and unable to reconcile war, I reached a breaking point. I was highly praised and decorated for leadership under fire – yet I anguished in the aftermath of war. I realized I was about to lose everything : my marriage, my family, even my life. I had led a daring rescue mission and found myself in dire need of rescuing. I had fought to keep a promise – to never leave a fallen comrade – but who would keep that promise to me?”

– Former Captain Nathan Self, U.S. Army Ranger, author of Two Wars

Combat Trauma Healing Manual Kindle Version: ($8.99)


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