4 Spiritual Laws – English
One of the most effective evangelistic tracts ever developed, the Four Spiritual Laws presents a clear explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
25 booklets per pack (discounts based on number of packs)
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Evangelistic Tracts – Package of 25 Booklets
God Loves You and Offers a Wonderful Plan for Your Life!
Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? The Four Spiritual Laws presents a clear explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most effective evangelistic tools ever developed. Over three billion copies have been distributed in all of the major languages of the world!
● Begins with a positive note: “God loves you.”
● Presents the claims of Christ clearly
● Includes an invitation to receive Christ
● Offers suggestions for growth
● Emphasizes the importance of the Church
● Gives you confidence on what to say and how to say it
● Enables you to stay on subject to control the conversation
● Makes it possible for you to be brief
● Enables you to be prepared
This booklet helps you open conversations about God easily and naturally by asking, “Have You Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?”—then share your faith with confidence!
“There really is no wasted witness. We fail in witnessing only if we fail to witness. Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leaving the results to God.” –Bill Bright (Witnessing Without Fear, p.78, NewLife Publications)
About the author
Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International/Cru
Dr. Bill Bright, along with his wife Vonette, founded Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951. Bill and Vonette were passionate about helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ in their generation. Hundreds of thousands of staff around the world joined with them in this cause for Christ.
Dr. Bright developed and wrote The Four Spiritual Laws in order to offer Campus Crusade staff members a clear, straight forward, and biblically sound presentation of the Gospel that they could memorize and communicate with ease. Over three billion copies of it, and its subsequent contextual variations, have been distributed around the globe and in all the world’s major languages. The decision to begin the message with the great love of God, rather than man’s sin, was revolutionary at the time and has since shaped the way the Gospel message has been proclaimed ever since.
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This is the updated version of the salvation message that changed my life as a young man of 18. Growing up in a church that taught us that living a good life is the way we get to heaven... it challenged my understanding by presenting the Good News of what Jesus did for us. Salvation is a free gift paid for by Fathers Son... Jesus. Not a result of our good works.
I will always be thankful for the ministry of Bill Bright and Campus Crusade and the staff who helped me grow in my faith and walk while in College. (1972-1977 Southwest Missouri State University.) (Dwayne and Marcy Northrup.) I may not be spelling their names correctly.