7 Basic Steps To Successful Fasting and Prayer (English):

Fasting And Prayer Guide

This reference guide will help make your time with the Lord more spiritually rewarding by giving you practical information on fasting and prayer.

Package of 10 booklets

$19.99Only 9 left in stock


Only 9 left in stock


10 booklets

This handy reference guide will help make your time with the Lord more spiritually rewarding. It provides simple steps for beginning and ending your fast, suggests a practical plan for prayer, and offers an easy-to-follow daily nutritional schedule.

Practical information on
●How to begin your fast
●What to do while you fast
●How to end your fast properly

Tuck this booklet into your pocket or purse while you fast and pray!

22 pages

About the author

Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International/Cru

Dr. Bill Bright, along with his wife Vonette, founded Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951. Bill and Vonette were passionate about helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ in their generation. Hundreds of thousands of staff around the world joined with them in this cause for Christ.

Dr. Bright developed and wrote The Four Spiritual Laws in order to offer Campus Crusade staff members a clear, straight forward, and biblically sound presentation of the Gospel that they could memorize and communicate with ease. Over three billion copies of it, and its subsequent contextual variations, have been distributed around the globe and in all the world’s major languages. The decision to begin the message with the great love of God, rather than man’s sin, was revolutionary at the time and has since shaped the way the Gospel message has been proclaimed ever since.



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