Unwavering Resolve:

A Guide for Apostolic Leadership

Drawing on the heart of Jesus and the life of Paul, Dave Robinson offers a clear job description for the often-misunderstood role of apostolic leader. Unwavering Resolve equips these crucial front-line pioneers of the Great Commission with a clear theological and practical focus, as well as guidance and inspiration for them and their teams to resolutely keep their hands to the plow as they pursue the mission Jesus entrusted to his church. This is an essential guidebook to return to again and again.

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We are nearing an age when we can confidently say that all the world’s people groups have experienced some sort of gospel engagement—someone has crossed a cultural barrier to introduce a particular people group to Jesus, the gospel has been made available digitally, etc. Yet over 3 billion of the 8 billion people in the world still live within “unreached” people groups. Beachheads have been established, but there are still not nearly enough churches, missionaries, and individual Christians within these people groups to be able to reach their entire populations for Christ. This can be characterized as the missional gap.

A missional gap exists in the United States, and other places in which the gospel is widely accessible as well. For the US alone, 44% of the population qualifies as “post-Christian,” and we have the fifth largest non-Christian population in the world. In Unwavering Resolve, Dave Robinson, executive director of Cru®’s US Church Movements ministry, labels the United States as a rejected access nation—possibly the first in the history of Christianity.

The burden of these missional gaps fueled the writing of Unwavering Resolve. Closing the gaps requires the launching of many more thriving spiritual movements where Christ is made known, young believers grow in vibrant faith, and these new Christians multiply themselves so that more and more people can hear about Christ and learn to follow Him. This requires apostolic leadership. Unwavering Resolve defines this crucial leadership role and establishes a theologically rooted, practically applicable job description for apostolic leaders that flows from the heart of Jesus and the life of Paul. This is an essential guide church planters, missionaries, sending agencies, pastors, and their teams will return to again and again for inspiration and guidance.

About the author

Dave Robinson

Dave Robinson is the Executive Director of US Church Movements for Cru®. Church Movements is dedicated to partner with churches and like-minded organizations to make Jesus known, multiply the church, and serve the city. He is the author of Unwavering Resolve - A Guide for Apostolic Leadership which equips the missionary and church planting leader to face our current challenges and prepare a new generation of leaders for the future of the church. Dave has served in a variety of leadership roles in Eastern Europe/Russia and the United States with Campus Crusade for Christ International® (Cru), as well as with several denominations and church planting movements. He and his team founded “Youth at the Threshold of Life” (YTL)—an educational movement that began in Hungary and spread to over 62 nations. YTL  spreads the gospel and multiplies the church through community engagement.

Unwavering Resolve - A Guide for Apostolic Leadership can be ordered here!


This book is a large stone thrown into the ocean, hoping to cause a ripple that the Holy Spirit might turn into a wave… a generation of genuine apostles flowing into and out of our cities.

Daniel Yang

Director of the Church Multiplication Institute at the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center

This book is not theory… It comes out of a practitioner’s heart that is yearning for the church of Jesus Christ to return to its roots and rediscover and re-live the life and practices of the first century church.

Bekele Shanko

Global Vice President, Cru, and President of the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication

Dave motivates us to take courage, live as overcomers, and be up for the challenge by being obedient to the Word over traditions, and led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, not by the latest temporary trends… Apostolic leader (‘sent one’), press on. This can be your new day. May God be glorified in it.

Mike Constantz

The Global PEACE Plan, Saddleback Church


  • product-type:

  • pages:

  • Dimensions:

    6” x 9”

  • Material:

    softcover, perfect bound

  • ISBN:


  • Cru Ministry Affiliation:

    Cru City


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